понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

Hometask 07/12/15

Hi! It’s me again, Jack. I ______________ (live) in London, but last month I ______________ (move) to Oxford. Oxford ______________ (be) a beautiful ancient town. It ______________ (situate) to the North-West of London. This city ______________ (found) many years ago. The first University in Oxford ______________ (build) in 1117. In 1546 Henry VIII ______________ (build) one of the biggest colleges here.
I ______________ (already\visit) many interesting places. For example, last weekend I ______________ (be) at the Covered Market. A lot of goods ______________ (sell) there. I ______________ (buy) some souvenirs. By the way, while I______________  (choose) an old woman ______________ (come) and ______________ (ask) me to give her some money.
Also there, at the Covered Market, you can ______________ (find) different cafes. Next Sunday I ______________ (visit) one of them and ______________ (eat) something tasty.

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