четверг, 24 сентября 2015 г.

Topic 2: People used to live differently

In this project you are to speak about the way your grandparents used to live, to compare life in past and in present.

People used to live differently

This is the way how you can compare life in past and in present:

1.      My granny used to live in a small village.  Now she lives in the city.
2.      My grandparent used to watch black-and-white TV. Now they watch colour TV.
3.      My granny didn’t use to have a TV-set. Now she has a modern TV-set.
4.      My grandfather used to work as an engineer. Now he is a pensioner.
5.      People used to have a nice cold winter. Now winters are not cold and sometimes rainy.
6.      Nature used to be clean. Now the forests near the city are often dirty.
7.      My granny used to ride a bike. Now she walks in the park.
8.      My granny used to ski and skate a lot. Now she is not a young woman and she doesn’t ski and skate. 
9.      My granny used to play hide-and-seek.  Now children mostly play computer games.

Many years ago people used to live differently. I want to tell you about my Granny.
When my Granny was a little girl she used to live in a small village. And now she lives in the city. She used to live in a small wooden house. And now she lives in a flat in an apartment building. She didn’t use to have running water and electricity. And now she has. She didn’t use to go by car to supermarkets. She used to walk to the market. She used to watch black and white TV. And now she watches coloured TV.
She used to walk about two kilometers to school. And now it takes me about fifteen minutes to get to my school. School uniform used to be different. Girls used to wear a brown dress with a white apron, and boys used to wear brown trousers and a brown jacket. And now girls wear black trousers, skirts or dresses, white blouses and jackets. And boys wear black trousers and jackets and white shirts with ties.
 Conclusion [What is better: life in the past or life nowadays? Why?]

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